Hunger among older adults is a growing concern, affecting 1 in 7 older adults in Kentucky. Many live on fixed incomes, making it difficult to afford nutritious meals while also covering medical expenses, housing, and other necessities. In the foothills of Appalachia in Morehead, Kentucky, Peggy Pernell is one neighbor who has found vital support through the God's Pantry Food Bank Mobile Pantry Program.
Peggy, like many seniors, faces financial challenges that make accessing healthy food a struggle.
"The stuff y'all gave me is helpful," she says. "I preserve everything I can. I freeze and can some of the items I get. I always enjoy what y'all give me, and I enjoy canning. I also pick up food for my two daughters. They've got kids of their own, so it helps them too."
Her story underscores the importance of the God's Pantry Food Bank and the Mobile Pantry Program, which serves communities with limited access to food pantries or meal programs. By distributing dry goods, meat, dairy, and fresh produce directly to individual sand families, the program ensures that those facing food insecurity—especially seniors—have access to essential nutrition. In Fiscal Year 2024 alone, the Mobile Pantry Program distributed 3,150,639 pounds of food across Central and Eastern Kentucky.
For seniors like Peggy, the mobile pantry and food assistance is not just about meals; it's about dignity, security, and the ability to support loved ones. Peggy’s passion for canning and preserving food allows her to stretch her resources while continuing to care for her family.
Senior hunger is a reality that many face, but through the efforts of God's Pantry Food Bank, communities can come together to ensure that older adults have the food they need to thrive. By supporting these programs, you can help the Food Bank provide stability and nourishment to seniors who have spent their lives contributing to their families and communities. Together, we can fight senior hunger and create a future where there is a nourished life for every Kentuckian.